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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Lexington Family Eyecare the leading provider of vision care products and services in Lexington.

Dr. Ted J. Harvey

Dr. Harvey was born and raised in Lexington Nebraska. He attended the University of Nebraska from 1974 through 1978 on a football scholarship; earning Academic All-American honors his junior and senior seasons as a cornerback. He earned his Doctorate of Optometry from The Ohio State University in 1982. He returned home to Lexington to begin his practice in general optometry, with an emphasis in contact lenses and pathology. He is a member of the Nebraska Optometric Association and the American Optometric Association. He and his wife, Kelly, are the parents of a son, Jake, and a daughter and son-in-law, Ashley and Drew Anderson, and a grandson Madden James.

Dr. Jason T. Seim

Dr. Jason Seim joined Lexington Family Eyecare after purchasing his interest in the practice in 2005. Dr. Seim enjoys serving the people of Lexington and the surrounding area. He truly considers it a privilege to serve his patients. The office has added many new technical advancements in the last five years, and he is constantly looking for ways to improve the office’s services. Dr. Seim enjoys the cultural diversity of his patient base and likes hearing his patient’s life stories. Dr. Seim and his wife (Kagan) grew up in Furnas County, Nebraska. They have three children Their daughter (Laikyn) is eleven, and they have two sons (Kannon) who is eight and (Ledger) who is six years old. His family enjoys camping, fishing, and anything in the great outdoors.

Gaylene Lueck

Gaylene has been with Lexington Family Eyecare for 20 enjoyable years as an Optician. Gaylene started at the office when the lab was “old school”, no computers, no tracers, and all orders were written on paper. “Boy, have times changed”! Gaylene has been married to her husband, Robert, for 25 yeares and has two children, Logan and Elyssa. Her family enjoys camping, jet skiing, and golfing.

Julia Novoa

Julia has been part of the team at Lexington Family Eyecare for the past eight years. She enjoys working at the office very much and her bilingual skills are greatly appreciated by the rest of the staff. She has enjoyed learning all the new aspects of eye care. Her main duties include patient pre-testing and welcoming patients at the front desk. She has two children, Andrew and Yahaira. She enjoys camping, being involved with her church, and just spending time with her kids.

EvaDawn Smith

Eva has been with Lexington Family Eyecare for the past five years.  She enjoys her job as there is always something new to learn taking care of everyone’s insurance.  She is a long-time Lexington resident and lives with her boyfriend of six years, Agustin.  They enjoy walking their little dog Landon, boating and spending time with family.

Nicoli Linn

Nicoli has been part of the team at LFE for a little over one year.  She enjoys greeting and interacting with patients and always seems to bring a smile and laugh to every patient.  She enjoys spending time working on her family farm with their animals, camping with family, and sports with friends.

Jacey Klemm

Jacey is our part time optician and has been with our office since August of 2015.  She works in the lab helping patients find the perfect frame, adjusting glasses, ordering lenses, and submitting insurance claims.  The most enjoyable part of her job is hleping children pick out their first pair of glasses.  Jacey and her husband (Austin) have one son (Bodee), and enjoy spending time with their horses, cattle, goats, and dogs.

Penny Fastenau

Penny has been part of the team at LFE since 2015.  Penny helps check patients in and does all the pre-testing before the patient sees the doctor.  Penny loves spending time with her family and especially enjoys having fun with her grand-daughters.  In her free time, she loves fishing, planting flowers, and target shooting.  She loves living on her family farm with her husband (Van).

Carmen Villalon

Carmen has worked in the optical since 2016.  She helps out in the lab area and is also a very big help as one of three translators in the office.  She likes to help the public select fashionable eye wear that meet all their visual task requirements.  She has been married for nine years and is the mom to two busy teenagers that she devotes most of her time keeping up with their busy schedules.  She loves to spend her remaining free time with her extended family and is very involved in her church.

Angela Robles

Angela has been an invaluable part of the team at LFE since 2012.  She enjoys helping out with her bilingual skills.  She is trained in the front desk area as well as the optical.  She is also our head contact lens technician.  She loves spending time with her husband (Rogelio) whom she has been married to for fifteen years, and her daughter Naomi.  Her family loves to go camping, fishing, and cook out in their free time.